Who is this toolkit made for?
This toolkit has been created while keeping in mind the importance of simplicity. An intermediate understanding of blockchain development is still required to fully master this material.
The EVM developer
If you're a developer from the EVM world and you're interested in developing on Polkadot, you've come to the right place. Whether you want to deploy a connected contract on Moonbeam or use specific parachain functions, anything is possible. As for the tools used, an ecosystem wallet will be required (SubWallet or Talisman) and that's about it.
Polkadot is a very welcoming place for EVM developers. Of course Moonbeam is its gateway, but you can also leverage Astar, Frontier pallet and soon PolkaVM.
The Substrate developer
If you're a developer coming from the Polkadot world and would like to benefit from the tools of the EVM world, or simply take advantage of a larger user base, you've come to the right place. It's now relatively simple to use EVM liquidity to a Substrate chain via Moonbeam. The opposite route is a little more complex, but just as interesting.
Going from Polkadot towards EVM-ecosystem make a lot of sense from an acauisition perspective. It's easier to attract users if you're able to build dApps that look familiar to them.
The curious web2 developer
If you're a developer coming from the traditional web and would like to know more about modern blockchain development, you've come to the right place. Polkadot is a great ecosystem to build on because it offers everything you need to create cool cross-chain modern dApps.
Basically, by learning how to mix EVM liquidity with Substrate possibilities, you're having the best of both worlds. However, if it's the first time doing blockchain development, you might need to grasp further informations by yourself.
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