πŸ‘οΈCheck the validity of the address

In this section we'll check the validity of an EVM address using polkadot.js API dependencies

Checking the validity of a Substrate address using Polkadot utils

// Import Polkadot.js API dependencies.
const { decodeAddress, encodeAddress } = require('@polkadot/keyring');
const { hexToU8a, isHex } = require('@polkadot/util');

// Specify an address to test.
const addressToTest = 'testAddy';

// Function to check the validity of a Substrate address.
const isValidSubstrateAddress = (address) => {
  try {
    // Decode the address if it's in hex format, otherwise, assume it's a raw address.
    const decodedAddress = isHex(address) ? hexToU8a(address) : decodeAddress(address);

    // Encode the address to check its validity.

    return true;
  } catch (error) {
    return false;

// Call the function to check the validity of the specified address.
const isValid = isValidSubstrateAddress(addressToTest);

// Output the result.
console.log(`Is this Substrate address valid? ${isValid}`);

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