What tools are this toolkit made of?
The Jungle Toolkit is created using a large number of amazing tools and technologies. Our goal is to connect libraries, SDK & blockchains, both from the EVM & DOT worlds.
MetaMask: the most popular EVM wallet. Polkadot accessible through the use of Snap
Talisman: the recommended wallet at the Polkadot Blockchain Academy
SubWallet: a really great option of the ecosystem
LightSpell: an amazing API greatly facilitating XCM interoperability
Squid API: a convenient way to generate routes and calls between EVM-compatible chains
Squid SDK V2: an Axelar-based project that allows easy cross-chain swaps integration
Moonbeam XCM SDK: very useful to calculate complexe cross-chain fees
ParaSpell SDK: generating valid XCM calls in a convenient and easy way
@ethers: the most-used JS library to interact with EVM-compatible chains
@polkadot/api: a great wrapper to interact with Substrate-based chains
Smart Contracts
Squid Router
Uniswap V2/V3 pools interface
Moonbeam CallPermit Precompile
Moonbeam Batch Precompile
Moonbeam Transactor V3
Vanilla JavaScript
Node.js V18
Solidity >= V8.2
Last updated