The Player Structure

How the players are stored in our game dApp smart-contract


  • Being able to link a mirror wallet to a real player EOA

  • Being able to track its token allowance without holding any tokens on the mirror wallet

    /// @notice Player storage structure
    struct Player {
            /// @notice mirror address used to sign txns
        address internalAddress;
            /// @notice amount of GLMB loaded inside the game contract
        uint glmbAvailable;
            /// @notice amount of shakes available
        uint16 shakesAvailable;
            /// @notice counter for games played by this player
        uint gamesPlayed;

Once we have this structure defined, we simply need to map it to the real EOA of the player.

    /// @notice Real Player Wallet -> Player Data
    mapping(address => Player) public players;

Now we can simply access the mapping from our back or front-end using ethers:


Every property such as internalAddress, glmbAvailable or gamesPlayed will now be accessible!

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